Je to nova hra dl TD

"my dream box is Triple Dragon" smile

this simply Su-Do-Ku plugin for TD
It is a game - just for fun Zunge raus

Sudoku rules are simply:
just put numbers 1-9
in all rows, all colums, all 9 small squares
...only once smile

Use ARROWS to choose a place
Press 1-9 on the blank place to set your number
Press 0 to erase your number
Press RED to generate new sudoku
Press EXIT to exit sudoku for a while (game is saved)
Press BLUE to quit sudoku (game is NOT saved)
Press YELLOW to get the hint on the current place (if any hints left)
Press GREEN to enter menu option
(to set Difficulty, number of Hints)

On the main screen
Yellow numbers are known at start or are given by the hint
White numbers are yours
Light blue numbers are yours as well
but there is sth wrong Zunge raus

GregoN(some sudoku code) my son Jasiu(testing)

1st public release